Wieners In The Woods

Today was one of those Sundays where the crew & I just wanted to hit the woods, chase some squirrels & burn some steam off!

Dachshund Harness

So off we went, to the woods near Nanny’s house, wellies on (Mum & Dad), harness’s strapped up (us sausages) & our camo gear ready to be stealth-like (Alan)

Dachshund Harness

We got on the trail straight away, sniffing out those critters, I showed Harvey the Schnauzer how a ‘proper’ hound uses his nose…
Dachshund Walks

Rodders was on lookout duty, now he is a proper hound!! And he’s great for ploughing through the undergrowth to make a path for us hunts-hunds…
Chocolate Dachshund

Alan was on full alert, not sure if you can tell, he looks so relaxed and casual in this photo…NOT!!

Sausage Dog Walks

After chasing the squirrels in the woods we ventured into the fields in search of those bunnies…

Sausage Dog Walks

Well Harvey found the bunny poop so we were certain they must be round here somewhere! Schnauzer Walks

Dachshund Walks

Dachshund Walks

After a few laps of the field, chasing a greyhound (or should that be being chased by a greyhound?) it was time to saddle up & head back home…
Dachshund Lead

Where a bit of warm water & a towel was required…

Dachshund Garden

After drying off our paws it was time to partake in our next favourite Sunday activity, chilling on the sofa! However The Beast does take up the most room…Dachshund Sofa

Dachshund Sofa

Dach’s all for now – off to eat my roast dinner!

Jeffrey x

  • Finn
    February 5, 2017

    Lovely photos Jeffrey. We do agree with Harvey, there’s nothing like a bit of rabbit poo. Have a good week. Keep us posted.

  • Ruth and Lacey the Dachshund
    February 6, 2017

    Jeffrey and friends
    Lacey and I( Mummy) loved you post about your weekend adventures!!
    Sadly,Lacey does’nt get chasing squirrels and pack hunting she was used as a breeding bitch.
    Mummy rescued her from’ The Horrid Man’ back in 2013. She was neglected and kept in a shed and,being no use anymore breeding wise,was generally abandoned and had never been shown love and care.
    She was a sad litte soul when I removed her from the kennels and took her home. Not house trained and unable to climb stairs she quickly caught on and now lives the life she deserves;cuddles and tickles on tap and as many treats as she cn eat.;-)
    We all love her at home and all of the folk in our town and the local area know us when we go walkies. Everyone knows and loves a sausage dog.
    You and you family have a lovely day; Lacey and Mummy are having a duvet day and charging our batteries….:- )

    • Finn
      February 6, 2017

      Lucky Lacey. She’s obviously got a lovely Mummy. So sorry to hear another sad sausage story. Thank goodness your exploits keep us smiling Jeffrey!
      Lots of love to Lacey from Finn

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