Stormy Sausage

The weather is turning, it’s wetter, colder and all the leaves are on the ground. Running around in the big crunchy leaves is fun however this fun can also bring danger. A storm was due to arrive yesterday so Dad spent Sunday afternoon clearing things in the garden, putting supports against the fence and he suggested staking a big pole in the lawn that he could attach my lead to so I wouldn’t blow away – I wasn’t convinced.

Dachshund Walk

Out on our walk yesterday, we found evidence of this storm, litter and leaves everywhere, branches down and my ears were whipping around my face in the breeze.

Autumn Dachshund

However we did realise that I do blend into the Autumn leaves quite well, good camouflage to sneak up on people = sneaky sausage…

Autumnal Sausage Dog

We found a fallen branch, I decided to approach with caution, you know, just in case…

Dachshund Leaves

Dachshund Tree

Autumn Dog Walks

Hattie and I found it very interesting, perfect for building a hidey-hole…

Dachshund Schnauzer

I hope all you fellow sausages stayed safe in the storm and aren’t feeling the Autumn cold too much.

Dach’s all for now!

Jeffrey x

  • Lauren
    October 30, 2013

    I’m so glad that you didn’t blow away in the storm, Jeffery. But I bet you had lots of fun playing in the leaves. Just wait until the snow arrives

    • sausagetails
      October 31, 2013

      I had my first experience of snow earlier this year Lauren, it was so much fun!

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