Fridays Furry Friend

Well here we are, another year of Fridays Furry Friends and can you believe it, this is our 100th edition! That means that over 100 of you have graced these pages on a Friday alongside Alan & I! I want to take the opportunity to say a big thank you to all of you that have taken part, we love to involve you in the blog and we’ve just loved receiving your entries – so keep ’em coming! 

Alan actually chose this weeks Furry Friend as he felt a connection to Wolfie, not only does he have a super cool name but he loves to hunt for squirrels, just like our Alan! We also liked their photo as it takes us back to a time when the weather was warmer and sunnier, not anything like it has been here this week, bring on the Summer…

Greetings from Wolfie and Fred in South Bucks. They love hunting for squirrels in the woods (Wolfie) and retrieving squeaky kong tennis balls (Fred). Here they are – definitely posing – on a log in the summer. They are both wires (Fred is a very smooth-looking pin wire) but there is definitely something of Jeffrey and Alan about their hair styles!

Wolfie & FredWolfie & Fred

Dach’s all for now – enjoy the weekend!

Jeffrey x

Don’t forget, if you too would like to be my Fridays Furry Friend, email a photo and a bit about yourself to

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