A Sausage Thank You..

…To all of you who voted for me in Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund’s Centrefold competiton. Thanks to you, I made it to the top 12 out of THOUSANDS of entries which meant I got through to the final draw!

Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshun

I campaigned hard on Facebook by promising my followers a little strip tease, to reveal a little more of Jeffrey the Super Sexy Sausage every day until I got to the Full Monty on voting day – and it worked!

I started off quite demurely

Sexy Dachshund

Moving on to the traditional fig leaf to cover my private area

Jeffrey Dachshund

Then posing like a burlesque doggy

Jeffrey Dachshund

And then onto what everyone had been waiting for – Full Monty Jeffrey!

Jeffrey Dachshund

Unfortunately I didn’t win, Mum says it’s the taking part that counts however I’m not so convinced…

It seemed the tennis balls were not in my favour – each entry was given a number and then each number written on a tennis ball. All balls (excuse the pun) were then put in a draw and Crusoe picked three out, it just wasn’t meant to be for me. You can check out Crusoe’s blog HERE where he demonstrates his ball fiddling prowess.

I hope you all have enjoyed these candid shots of me, if anyone would like to put in a request for a Jeffrey the Dachshund Calendar 2014 just let me know.

Dach’s all for now – off to chat with my agent…

Jeffrey x


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