Whip Ass Sausage

A Guest post from Nanny

When Jenna arrived home from Jeffrey’s obedience/agility class a few weeks ago and announced that Jeff had been voted Puppy of The Year and had been highly praised for his agility skills, I was somewhat shocked – not just at the thought that the little chap who barely clears the ground by 6 inches had achieved this but also my concern that Jenna had now totally flipped into Dachshund related madness OR I had slipped into another dimension where all small dogs are high achievers and daughters become either nutcases or downright liars.

BUT before you all start asking me how I could doubt Jenna’s integrity (and the Mum in me knows she’s been dragged up better than that!) the information was confirmed when I attended the agility class this week and Jeff stood before me – victorious in his achievement.

Was there a full moon that night? Had little Jeffrey suddenly been possessed by the spirit of an ancient highly trained collie still lurking in the community hall? NO – he clearly just showed all the Doubting Annie’s at the class that YES A DACHSHUND CAN DO AGILITY!

His seemingly highly experienced brain guided him like a low-slung torpedo through the weave poles (without a lead), over the see-saw, through the collapsed tunnel (which had previously had to be lifted for him…) and finished, triumphant in his achievement.

What a Grand-Dog! So todays lesson is – no matter how small or insignificant you feel, you can still whip ass and show them all!

Dach’s all for now!

Proud Nanny x

And the proof is in the photos…

Watching and waiting

Sausage Dog Agility

Is it my turn yet Nanny?

Sausage Dog Agility

Just checking the See-Saw is safe for practice

Dachshund Agility

Dachshund Agility

Safety checks done, time to practice

Sausage Dog Agility

Dachshund Agility

Onto the tunnels (well thats what Dachshund’s were bred for)

Dachshund Agility

Ready to go!

Dachshund Agility

  • Selina Knox
    April 11, 2013

    Great Blog, Nanny! You must be a very proud GrandDogMother! I love all Jeffrey’s posts – keep them coming! x

    • sausagetails
      April 11, 2013

      Glad your enjoying the blog, Nanny was very proud of me!

  • Clare
    April 11, 2013

    Same here! Love to read what Jeffrey has been up to. X

    • sausagetails
      April 11, 2013

      Thanks Clare! Nice to hear that you’re enjoying the blog!

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