Look What I’ve Sniffed Out…

So what is it about this hoodie that Mum loves so much? Is it the nice silver shiny zip that matches her jewellery? Or the thick fleecy lining that keeps her warm on a winter’s day? No, its the little sausage dogs that are ALL over it! Of course!  Who wouldn’t want a hoodie that was not only warm and snuggly but also has mini SAUSAGE dogs all over it?!?!

So another of Mum’s finds from the website www.pretaportobello.com, HERE it is! I love it but I think Mum gets a bit hacked off with me because I love to snuggle and dig a bed in it when I’m a little chilly (if you’re a dachshund Mummy or Daddy you will know what I mean!!)

I think Mum and I look pretty smart when she wears this out on our walks, at least they know who the sausage dog belongs too!

See, it’s even handy as a small portable doggy rug!

You know you want one…

Dach’s all for now!

Freddie x

1 Comment
  • Katie
    August 3, 2012

    Ah, another good find. Freddie, I understand completely. Betty has “invited” herself into my cardi/dressing gown/trouser leg(!) all too often!

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