A Steamy Wienie

So, it’s Tuesday evening and that normally means one thing…the ironing!! Mum isn’t the greatest fan of doing the ironing so I tend to help out, Dad pays me in Bonio’s to iron his shirts, I can’t always guarantee that he’ll get them without dog fluff or a steamy paw print embedded right in the middle of the back but he see’s it as a good way to show me ‘morals’ and a ‘hard working attitude’, I think it’s just a bloomin’ good way of getting Bonio’s!

I know what you’re thinking, yes they are Mum’s sausage dog pyjama’s and yes, she did scream SAUSAGE!!! across Primark when she spotted them and ran towards them, possibly elbowing a few small children out the way – embarrassing!!

5 shirts = 5 Bonio’s, a done deal! Dad and I shook on it, he paid up after about 4 hours of slaving over the ironing board (I would not have made a very good 50’s housedog!!)

And do you know what, I ain’t sharing them!!

Dach’s all for now!

Freddie x

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