Happy Birthday Harvey!

Yesterday I roped my cousin in to help me bake a birthday cake for a special fuzzy-faced dude we know…

Lily Kitchen Cookbook

He followed the Lilys Kitchen cookbook recipe expertly and I even got to lick the mixing spoon, well I was the Supervisor…

Lilys Kitchen Cookbook

It was baked well, no soggy bottom…

Lily Kitchen Birthday Cake

And the birthday boy seemed pretty impressed with our efforts!

Lily Kitchen Cake

So today was the big day when we could say Happy Birthday Harvey!

Schanuzer Birthday

He’s 9 today, can you believe it! He looks amazing for his age and I can only dream of being as energetic as he is at his age!

Dachshund Birthday

I let him have the first lick, well it was his Birthday after all…

Dog Birthday Cake

Dog Birthday Cake

Dog Birthday Cake

But as Birthday Cake Supervisor I thought it was best to also check the produce out myself…

Sausage Dog Birthday Cake

Sausage Dog Birthday Cake

Dachshund Cake

Nanny was given the very important job of dishing out our portions, again, my Supervisor role came into play…

Dachshund Cake

That’s my portion, just a tad more please Nanny…

Dachshund Cake

Sausage Dog Cake

Sausage Dog Birthday Cake

Alan tucked in, he just loves Birthday cake! And he had a huge slice for a little guy but Mum said he’s lucky as he’s so energetic, he’ll soon run it off where as me, it goes straight to my hips apparently, how rude…

Sausage Dog Birthday Cake

Sausage Dog Birthday Cake

Dachshund Birthday Cake

Dog Birthday Cake

We all chucked on a party hats for the occasion, of course, and woofed Happy Barkday to the Birthday Boy!

Dachshund Birthday

But big ol’ Rodders just loves to be centre stage!

Sausage Dog Birthday


Dach’s all for now – a very Happy Birthday to one of my best buddies!

Jeffrey x

1 Comment
  • Finn
    February 11, 2016

    Happy Birthday Harvey! What a cake!
    I’ll be joining you in April when I’m nine. 2007 was a vintage year!!
    Best wishes to the five of you.

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