Fridays Furry Friend

Let’s  have a big WHOO HOO as it’s Friday! After our busy weekend last week, Alan & I have mainly been chilling out and catching up on sleep. We’ve had some rain this week, Wednesday was a complete wash out and I thought I was going to have to request 2 pairs of wellies, so I had a boot for each foot you see…

This weeks Furry Friend sounds like a true star, I mean, he’s got ribbons and everything! My Mum thinks his name, Fuzzy, is brilliant and really suits him, when I go out in the rain she calls me Fuzz-Head!! He sounds like he’s a man of many hobbies including hiding the ball and deconstructing things and my favourite past time, chilling!

Hi Jeffrey & Alan,
I’m Fuzzy, that’s part of my full name…Big Hopes for Fuzzy being the whole thing. I hope I can be your Friday friend. I’m going to celebrate my 4th Gotcha Day with my Forever Mom (FM) September 1. Before I found my FM. I did the show circuit from 6 to 9 months old and really was quite successful— not to brag or anything, but I was in 9 shows, got 9 blue or purple ribbons, two best of show and points on my championship. I had to give it up because I grew a second set of incisors toofies when I lost my baby teeth. These days, I chill, play hide the ball…under the armoire, the bedside table, under the computer desk, down the stairs, etc. I used to spend a lot of time deconstructing things…house slippers, an occasional shoe, T-shirts, and 14 ether net cables. I don’t do that so much anymore. I’m bro(ther) to Horton and The Who cats. They think they are hot stuff because they look like mini Holstein cows. We get along okay but they don’t know how to play well with others. Basically I’m a shy guy. To round out my life, I’m a K-9 member of Hoyt Arboretum Friends. My FM always reads me your blog and shows me the pictures. We love it!
Here’s a picture of me practicing a kiss to plant on my FM. The other one is a pic of me checking out my territory.



Dach’s all for now – off to go and sort out my weekend plans, probably chilling out…

Jeffrey x

Don’t forget, if you too would like to be my Fridays Furry Friend, email a photo and a bit about yourself to

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