Fridays Furry Friend

Evening everyone! I hope you’ve all had a nice week? I definitely see signs that Spring is on its way, the days are getting longer, the sun is peeking out and the snowdrops are breaking through the ground, however I don’t think Nanny was too keen when I wee’d on hers, I was just helping to water them…

This weeks Fridays Furry Friend has been sent in by Kerry of her Myrtle taking a brisk stroll through the forest, it looks very picturesque, I’m jealous! Mum says she sounds  just like me, sniffing away and apparently unable to hear her when she calls, I have no idea what she means!


This is Myrtle.
Here she is enjoying a stroll through a forest in Northern Ireland, she loves lifting random items along the way and carrying them until she gets bored. The second photo is when something smells super interesting and then it’s a nightmare trying to get her back, the nose works overdrive and the ears seem to stop hearing…..


Myrtle Dachshund

Myrtle Dachshund


Dach’s all for now – I hope you too have some nice walks this weekend!

Jeffrey x

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