Fridays Furry Friend

So this week we have really been feeling the love! Mum & Dad are back from honeymoon so we have been having lots of cuddles with them, Nanny & Grandad are away on holiday so we have been snuggling with Rodney & The H’s a lot and Alan & I have been writing cards and wrapping presents for our special Valentines ladies – we are a big ball of sausage love!

This week I have a special Fridays Furry Friend for you, I have received some fabulous photos from some of you looking like you are in the mood for romance…

Dr Watson

Dr Watson

Dr Watson is from Panama City, a mini wire haired living in a tropical country! His brother is called Sherlock, how appropriate?



Felix runs The Doxie Press, what a handsome fellow he is, I’m sure he won’t struggle to get a Valentines date!




Arthur lives in Porthmadog, North Wales, and has been helping organise the Valentines window display at work, a helpful hound!



Here is Alan’s girlfriend Edith, better known to her friends as Edie, sporting a very cute Valentines bandana!



My absolute FAVOURITE entry is from my Lovely Lottie Loo Brush, how cute is this montage picture she’s made of us? Licks & sniffs to you!

Dach’s all for now – I hope you all have a very romantic Valentines!

Jeffrey x

Don’t forget, if you’d like to appear as my Fridays Furry Friend, then send a photo and a bit about your Furry Friend to

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