Fridays Furry Friend

Happy Friday all! It’s been a good week for us pooches, we’ve had plenty of Spring sunshine to top up our tanned bits, so we’re making the most of it by lounging around in the garden at every given opportunity, what can I say, we’re dachshunds! However, we’ve taken it in turns to be on squirrel patrol so none of those little critters slipped by us, never fear people! Dachshund Sunbathing

This weeks Furry Friend is a lovely old girl called Lightning who has been sent to us by Suzyanne. She sounds like a girl after my own heart, I too love bacon & snuggles – preferably together! And also loving the fact her sister is called Thunder, just brilliant!

This is Lightning. She’s my best friend in the entire world. She loves bacon, and snuggles. She’s almost 14, and needs some help now and then getting up on couches and beds. Her and her sistafur Thunder are the best furbabies anyone could ask for. Thanks!



Dach’s all for now – let me know what you get up to this weekend!

Jeffrey x

Don’t forget, if you too would like to be my Fridays Furry Friend, email a photo and a bit about yourself to

  • Finn
    March 18, 2017

    Lightning is a lovely lady. It must be fun for their Mum to shout “Thunder”, “Lightning” when they’re out for a walk.
    Hope you have a super weekend.

  • sue mitchell
    March 20, 2017

    Beautiful doggies..xx

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