Fridays Furry Friend

What horrendous weather we’ve been having in the UK this past week, it’s made for some very blustery walks and Mum can only describe me as a soggy sausage! So this week’s Fridays Furry Friend is here to cheer us all up and bring some much needed sunshine all the way from Australia, g’day mate!

Hi Jeffrey,
Here I am enjoying the day on the water with mum and dad! It’s nice and warm down here in Australia! And as you can tell by my right ear, I’ve been helping mummy paint the house! Don’t know that she actually appreciates it, but I try!

From your Aussie mate,


Kevin Dachshund

Dach’s all for now – I hope you keep dry this weekend, make sure you have your stilts on to avoid the floods!

Jeffrey x

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