Fridays Furry Friend

Happy Friday all! Well hasn’t it gotten chilly all of a sudden? We would have appreciated this chilliness in December to get us in the wintery-festive mood but alas, we’ve made do, thrown on our Equafleeces and braved the icy winds. Mum has been a little worried about Alan in this cold weather as it’s no secret he’s lacking in the chest hair department but I keep him running around chasing squirrels to keep him warm, however the squirrels are normally sleeping, what he doesn’t know won’t harm him…

We’ve changed it up a bit this week and chosen a cat for this weeks Furry Friend! We live with two cats ourselves so it’s nice to have a bit of change AND he chases squirrels too!

Hi Jeffery and Alan
Happy New Year to our favourite sausages, we love following your blog and seeing what you get up to. I know you have family members of the feline persuasion and wondered if you’d ever considered having one as your FFF?
My name is Birkin and I am two and a little bit. I’m named after a famous racing driver Sir ‘Tim’ Birkin who drove the Birkin Bentley at Brooklands, as my Mum and Dad are total petrol heads and I have a big ‘brother’ called Bentley! Personally I think I am more like a sausage than a cat, I’m always on the lookout to ‘borrow’ tasty snacks, even the New Years Eve Beef was fair game, I’m great at chilling out and I’d love to catch a squirrel too – no luck so far, I have to make do with rabbits, mice, voles and pigeons, although I do actually catch them and annoy my Mum when I bring them home for supper. I was so naughty as a kitten that they nearly sent me back but they love me really!
Birkin xx

BirkinBirkin Cat

Birkin Cat

Birkin Cat

Dach’s all for now – go chase some squirrels!

Jeffrey x

Don’t forget, if you too would like to be my Fridays Furry Friend, email a photo and a bit about yourself to

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