A Sausage Graduation

Some of you will remember that I attended puppy training classes a few months ago and to be honest it was pretty easy – I learnt to play nicely with the other pups, learnt to sit, not to pee on the training mat, walk on the lead without chewing it in half – you get the idea, pretty basic stuff. Having discovered that doing what Mum asks me to do brings food (in class this means party SAUSAGE) I increased my repertoire accordingly – the better I get the more treats I get!

Dachshund Puppy Class

So when our puppy trainer gave us the challenge of learning a new trick before the end of our 6 week course I took it upon myself to be the star of the class, how hard could it be? After I learnt the simple paw, other paw trick, Mum was so thrilled that she thought she could take it one better and teach me a high five. Now you are all probably thinking how does a sausage 6 inches off the floor raise his stump high enough to do an adequate high five? Well it means double paws – simple!

The more tricks I learnt = more sausage! So by the end of my 6 week course I was on a roll and had a whole routine to perform in our last class. I think Mum was pretty nervous but of course I took it all in my stride, if Mum ballsed up and panicked I always had my good looks and cuteness to win the trainer over. Needless to say it all went smoothly and I graduated from puppy class with flying colours and obviously won the best trick award (there was no competition to speak of, an easy win one might say)

So this is what you have all been waiting for, a video that can prove my amazing tricks to you! (I can hear Hollywood calling now!)

After my success in the puppy class I was moved up into the junior class with some bigger dogs that didn’t smell too good (I think I had gotten used to the sweet smell of puppy). Myself and my buddy Stanley, who was also in the puppy class, were the youngest and also the smallest in this class and to be honest it was all a little daunting. But after our initial introductions to our new class mates, you know – circling, butt sniffing and tail wagging, we were quite at ease and ready to start our training.

Now this class was a little more serious, it meant we had to sit and actually stay without being distracted by other dogs, which is pretty hard when you’ve just spent the last 6 weeks worth of classes wrestling with your buddy! But I soon got the hang of it and Mum and I were on a roll. I was even introduced to agility which Mum was sceptical about, she didn’t think a pooch with legs as short and a back so long as mine could do it – which meant I had to prove her wrong!

I have taken to agility like a dachshund to a tunnel! Talking of which, the tunnels are my favourite followed by the seesaw – as long as I’m getting sausage I’m going to do it! It wasn’t long before I achieved my agility award which made Mum well up a little bit (big softy) but I was so proud of myself, I had proved everyone wrong and that I could do it.

Dachshund Agility

Now this week I have gone one step further and have now graduated up to the next class! To say Mum was shocked was an understatement, I don’t think it’s because she doubts my abilities (the agility has proved that!) but because I am the youngest in my class at 6 months and there are dogs still in the class that have been there longer! (Not that I’m smug, much…)

Now what is that vicious rumour about not being able to train a dachshund?

Dach’s all for now – I’m off to join the circus!

Jeffrey x

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