Tough Daddy

Some of you may remember my blog post from last year when my Dad took part in Tough Mudder, well this year he decided to do it again!! It’s a 12 mile gruelling assault course which includes obstacles like ‘Arctic Enema’ – jumping into a container full of ice and mud and getting to the other end, ‘Walk the Plank’ – climbing 12ft high and then jumping into 4meters of cold water and ‘Everest’ – running to the top of a 12ft vertical, slippery, muddy wall.

It all sounds like total madness but I’m always one to support my parents (even if they are mad) so I donned my headband from last year last night to give Dad a pep talk, discuss tactics and give him some tips, from when I do such things, like my agility.

Tough Mudder Orange Headband

So I waved Mum, Dad & Nanny off this morning (Mum & Nanny were supporting and watching, not taking part, obviously) and waited for them to return whilst I chilled with Rodney & The H’s. And of course, Dad completed the course, loved it all and even bought me my own new headband for completing a second Tough Mudder! Green suits me don’t you think?

Tough Mudder Green Headband

A massive well done to Dad and his team today, Mum & I are very proud of you!

Tough Mudder 2014

Tough Mudder 2014

Dach’s all for now!

Jeffrey x

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