Sausage All Sewn Up

As most of you know, I am what you call a Helpful Hound. I like to help my Mum & Dad with things around the house, changing the bed sheets, loading the dishwasher, doing the laundry – I am multi talented. You are more than likely aware that it’s Mum & Dad’s wedding coming up soon, July to be more precise, so the whole family, led by myself, have been busy beavering away.

When Nanny’s bestest friend Auntie Yvonne generously volunteered to make a few hundred meters of bunting, being Team Leader, I stepped in to show her what we’d like.

We got all the fabric we had collected together for Auntie Yvonne, I had traipsed car boots and local fabric shops for exactly what Mum wanted, see – helpful!

Dachshund Material

I helped to lay out the fabric whilst Nanny & Auntie Yvonne cut the bunting flags out…

Dachshund Bunting

I had to keep an eye on Nanny with those scissors, I didn’t fancy an impromptu haircut…

Dachshund Bunting

The flags were indeed cut to the correct size, that would be Dachshund Length.

Sausage Dog Blanket

I picked out and purchased from eBay the bias binding we would need, I think Mum may regret giving me her log-in details…

Sausage Dog Fabric

Dachshund Fabric

Just resting my head and NOT sleeping…

Sausage Dog Fabric

I then mapped out the order and spacing of the bunting…

Sausage Dog Butning

Sausage Dog Bunting

Dachshund Fabric

It was time for a break, bunting is exhausting work! Ok, now I’m asleep…

Dachshund Blanket

And soon Auntie Yvonne was on a roll, suits me don’t you think?

Dachshund Material

Dach’s all for now – massive thank you to Auntie Yvonne for all your help, I can’t wait to lick your face soon!

Jeffrey x




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