Fridays Furry Friend

It’s been a rather nice 4 day week, one I could do every week as it means having my Mum & Dad at home for an extra day! Friday has come around quickly which means it’s time to choose my Furry Friend of the week, Mum perused over a glass of vino and me over a fish skin chew!

This week is Ted – full name Ted the Shred which I think is kind of cool, in a Teenage Mutant Hero Turtle kinda way. And of course, it’s so nice to be the inspiration behind a family finding their perfect sausage!

Hi there Jeffrey,
Me and my mum love your blog. she has been reading it avidly in the hope she would one day have a sausage dog of her own and at long last last year dad said yes!! It took a little time but eventually she found me and she was so proud so she thought she would send you a picture or two of me Ted (sometimes known as Ted the shred) 8 month old mini smooth. Inspired by your posts of you being so active my mum had me mowing the lawn on Sunday!
I’ve got a big brother Archie who’s a cairn terrier who let’s me have a little snuggle every now and again but he’s really not keen when I try to hang and swing off his beard.
Keep up the good work Jeffrey,
Wuffs from Ted and Archie and kind regards from their mum Sarah x



Ted & Archie

Dach’s all for now – have a Bonio filled weekend!

Jeffrey x

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