Look What I’ve Sniffed Out…

Amongst some of the dachshund themed presents Mum received at Christmas I thought I would show you one of my favourites. Mum is a snuggly person, she likes to keep warm, just like me so Dad bought her these cosy slippers that just so happen to have a sausage dog on! What are the chances?

Haflinger Slippers

Haflinger Sausage Dog Slippers

These slippers are made by Haflinger, made of machine washable wool (probably best with those pesky cats around, they can be messy) and have latex and felt soles for excellent traction, I have caught Mum dancing round the kitchen a couple of times, at least she won’t slip over.

Dachshund Slippers

The best bit, the sausage dog stretches all the way across the slippers, just like a real one when I lie on them and give Mum pins and needles!

Sausage Dog Slippers

And most importantly, when Mum’s not wearing them, I can keep my own paws warm, perfect fit…

Haflinger Dachshund Slippers

Dachshund Slippers

Most appropriately, Haflinger is a German company and these slippers were actually made in Germany, just like me! Well, sort of…

If you too would like to keep your paws toastie with these smart sausage dog slippers, you can get them from Amazon HERE

Dach’s all for now!

Jeffrey x


  • Rowena
    January 22, 2014

    Adorable! Checking amazon now….

  • Corinne
    January 23, 2014

    Ooo er, not at that price Jeffrey. Your Mummy, must have a very nice, and generous Hubby.

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