How To Host A Hund

Yesterday I had a new friend of mine stay for the day and we also had a sausage sleepover! This little long haired dude is called Otto or as I like to call him, Mr Foxy…Longhaired Dachshund Pup

He is younger than me hence I look a lot bigger but this photo does make me look beefcake, well I do work out!

Longhaired Dachshund

Otto was a cool friend to have visit as he too likes to wrestle, I would like to state that I let him win as he was a guest, I don’t like to beat my visitors up…

Long haired sausage dog

But he also likes to chill too and he does this well…

Chilling Dachshund

So well in fact, I had to check that he hadn’t passed out…

Dachshund Play

After out initial greeting and obligatory sausage wrestling match, I thought I’d be a polite host and show him around the place. I started with the most important area of my abode, the toy box…

Dachshund Toy Box

However Otto wasn’t afraid to make himself at home and helped himself to one of my best and newest toys. What a cheek!

Dachshunds Play

Dachshund Toy

But it’s ok, I snuck it off him later when he wasn’t looking, crafty sausage…

Dog Loofer Toy

Next was the kitchen where I taught him the art of pre-washing the dirty dishes in the dishwasher…

Dishwasher Dog

And giving Mum the puppy dog eyes for some food!

Longhaired Dachshund

Well, it does work!

Dachshund Food Bowl

Soon it was time to introduce him to the cats, for some reason Sylvester wouldn’t come in and say hi, I can’t think why?

Dachshunds & Cats

Once I had completed the grand tour of my home, it was time to take Otto to the local park for a stroll and some serious babe watching. I needed to see whether he would make a suitable wingman however my plans were scuppered because as we entered the park and starting strutting our stuff, the heavens opened!

Muddy Dachshunds

Otto tried to tell me that the babes weren’t going to fancy a soggy sausage…

Muddy Sausage Dogs

But I told him not to worry, the mud makes us look tough and manly and the rain emphasises our muscles, well, mine anyway…

Dachshund Walks

We headed back home to dry off and I let Otto spend the evening filling in for me in my evening job, being Dad’s assistant…

Dachshund Laptop

It’s been a very tiring weekend but its always nice to have my buddies visit!

Dach’s all for now,

Jeffrey x

  • Nancy M
    January 26, 2014

    I love this

  • Corinne and the Gang
    January 27, 2014

    You are a very good Host, Jeffrey.
    Can we all come over please. There is only 8 of us lot !!!

  • Hilary
    December 19, 2015

    Such a generous host

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