Fridays Furry Friend

This week we have been making the most of the last of the Summer sun, it’s been nice lying on the lawn in the warm sunshine with Alan as I fear it may be the last time we can do this for a while, Autumn is coming. This weeks Furry Friend has been a long time coming! James contacted me a little while back saying he was considering adding a dachshund to his family but couldn’t decide on what size or coat type of sausage he would like. I gladly imparted my wisdom on him, told him what a fab breed we are in general but that the mini wire’s are the best. Obviously. Fast forward a month or two and we have Digby…

Dear Jeffrey,
Here’s a pic of Digby, the new addition to our family that we got a couple of weeks ago. He’s a red wire haired that we got from Hungary and is just brilliant fun. He’s still a bit scared of his own shadow but has now learnt he can chase pigeons and not to eat wires in the office anymore. We start puppy training classes next week so look forward to him making some small friends then.
We just wanted to enter him into Friday’s Fury Friend listing really as we’re just stupidly proud of him.
James Bennett


Dibgy Dachshund

Dach’s all for now – have a lazy weekend in the sunshine!

Jeffrey x

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