Fridays Furry Friend

This weeks Fridays Furry Friend who is someone who has some exotic sounding friends and I have to say, I’m a little bit jealous! I’ve been pestering Mum for something more exotic than the cats to join our family, apparently a dolphin pool won’t fit in our garden…

Hello Jeffrey,
Tommy here, I’m SO delighted that the lovely Rodney has joined your family! He looks just like I did this time last year (I was 12 weeks old then) and you are going to have SO much fun with him! Us Standard Wirey Sausages are the best playmates ever and very gentle, loyal friends. 
I live on a farm with two terriers and a Scottish Deerhound and they all love playing with me. My other best friends are two Miniature Mediterranean Donkey foals who let me lick their noses! 
In the evenings I like to be a lapdog but it’s quite difficult as I’m too long really! My mum and dad love having me on their laps because I’m so warm and snuggly but I get uncomfortable after a while and have to lie by the radiator toasting my tum instead. It must be much easier for you being a mini, you lucky chap!!!
Hope you like the photo of me and my friend, Flora!
Best wishes for lots of fun,
Tommy xxx


Tommy Dachshund

Dach’s all for now – have a great weekend everyone, I know I will as it’s my Nanny’s birthday on Sunday!

Jeffrey x

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