Fridays Furry Friend

And it’s finally the end of the week – hooray! We ended our weekend rather well on Sunday by taking a leisurely family stroll along the river where we came across this amazing ice cream boat and you know much I love ice cream!

Dachshund Ice Cream

This week has been a quiet one, we’ve been on our daily squirrel patrol each morning and it’s been nice and calm as its the school summer holidays so we’ve been able to get all stealth-like on the critters as the park has been so quiet! We’ve been dodging a few rainy showers these past couple of days so we’ve been keeping our paws crossed that the hot weather returns soon!

This weeks Furry Friend is a fellow wirey wiener from Dallas in the USA! I love the fact that Ozzy loves watching animal TV shows, I also enjoy chilling out in front of the TV! Ozzy likes eating cheese biscuits – sounds like he & I would have an amazing lads night in, just a shame it might have to be long distance…

Hi Jeffrey!!
My name is Ozzy and I am from Dallas, GA (in the USA). I enjoy reading of your adventures, especially since you are a fellow wirehair too! My hobbies include watching any and all animal shows (I love trying to find where those animals go in the television), chasing rabbits, hiding bones from my older brother Caesar and eating cheese biscuits! I also love sitting in my favorite spot, so that I can keep watch on all the neighborhood happenings! 
Keep writing about your awesome adventures because we enjoy seeing what all you have been up to!! 
Paws Up!! 


Ozzy Dachshund


Dach’s all for now – I hope you too find an ice cream boat this weekend!

Jeffrey x


Don’t forget, if you too would like to be my Fridays Furry Friend, email a photo and a bit about yourself to

1 Comment
  • Finn
    July 29, 2016

    Ozzy looks so friendly. My Dad works in Houston every other month and he says everyone’s friendly in Texas.
    I agree with you Jeffrey about the weather. I hope we see some blue sky and sunshine this weekend. I hope you both have a super weekend.
    Take care.

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