Look What I’ve Sniffed Out…

Ok so technically I didn't find this, Dad did. It was one of Mum's Christmas gifts, even though it's for me really, which is pretty good as it means I end up with more presents! (must remember that for next Christmas and show Dad some things that I Mum likes). My new Mutt & Hounds dachshund print bed ...

A Sausage Weekend In Pictures

To be honest I haven't got much to report this weekend as we've been quite chilled. We've been putting the Christmas decorations away, sorting through some old clothes and toys and eating bacon butties and roast chicken! But this is my favourite kind of weekend, a bit of playing, a little snacking and a lot ...

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you had a fun night like me? My buddies Harvey and Hattie came over, we played all evening, sipped champagne and nibbled on Bonios - it was all very civilised! At midnight we let off a few party poppers - Harvey did suggested using our bottoms instead however Mum ...