Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you had a fun night like me? My buddies Harvey and Hattie came over, we played all evening, sipped champagne and nibbled on Bonios – it was all very civilised! At midnight we let off a few party poppers – Harvey did suggested using our bottoms instead however Mum thought this would be highly dangerous (spoil sport).

Dachshund New Year

Sausage Dog New Year

And today after a lovely roast beef lunch this is what Harvey and I have done all afternoon, Mum said it wasn’t productive enough so we were dragged out for an afternoon walk.

Dogs Sleeping

On our walk, Nanny and Mum were explaining to me the tradition of New Years Resolutions, which got me thinking that maybe I should put some in place. So after a lot of deliberation here is my final list:

  1. Try to persuade Mum that 2 (not 1) biscuits at bedtime is more acceptable.
  2. Make friends with as many dogs in the park as possible (because they all come with owners Mums bearing doggie nibbles). This also includes getting Mum to take me on some more dachshund only walks, it’s good to mix with my own kind.
  3. Taste as many flavours of cat food in 12 months as I can.
  4. Attempt to be less obsessed with food (as if! Mum MADE me put that in).
  5. Try not to yank out any more of Uncle Harvey’s beard (Nanny says I’m spoiling his good looks-whatever!).
  6. Stop eating the worm casts on the lawn (it freaks Mum out cos she thinks I’m eating pooh-really?!).
  7. Hone my gardening skills this summer – I tried really hard last year to help Mum with the digging but could do better.
  8. Persuade Dad to build me a long and low wardrobe to store my ever growing collection of clothing (perhaps Ikea do one?).
  9. Keep away from the vets – I’m not sure I’ll emerge intact next time (gulp!).
  10. Get myself a bitch.

So thats my list of 10 resolutions that I am going to try and do in 2013, what are yours?

Dach’s all for now!

Jeffrey x

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