Look What I’ve Sniffed Out…

Who else thinks their kitchen needs pimping up dachshund-style? Well you’re in luck as M&Co have these fab dachshund print tea towels and oven gloves! Dachshund Tea Towel

Sausage Dog Oven Gloves

Such pretty pastel colours ready to get us in the mood for Spring!

Dachshund Oven Gloves

M & Co Sausage Dog Tea Towels

The tea towels come in a pack of three, Alan decided the sausage dog print tea towel was perfect for using as a Super Sausage cape…M & Co Dachshund Tea Towel

I’m not gunna lie, I had to get involved when I saw just how cool he looked (and I didn’t want to him to be alone in the caped crusader shenanigans)

Sausage Dog Tea Towels

Dachshund Tea Towel

After playing silly sausages by running around the house causing ‘mayhem’ in our new capes, (Mum says mayhem, we say Saving The World but whatever) Mum said it was about time we did something useful, like doing the drying up, Alan washed up and I dried, well I did need to test out the new tea towels…

M & Co Dachshund Oven Gloves

M & CO Sausage Dog Oven Gloves

I also offered to help cook dinner so I could test whether the oven gloves did the job, I can confirm they do and also that I didn’t nibble the roast chicken, much…

Dachshund Oven Gloves

Dog Oven Gloves

Sausage Dog Oven Gloves

You too can inject some Spring colours into your kitchen with these tea towels and oven gloves from M&Co, get the tea towels for £9 HERE and the oven gloves for £10 HERE

Dach’s all for now – P.S they also do a matching apron HERE!

Jeffrey x


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