Look What I’ve Sniffed Out…

I love it when a parcel arrives with my name on it! Ok, maybe not quite with my name on it but it was addressed to Mum and whats her’s is mine and all that…

Sausage Dog Bowl

Anyway, I knew from the smell of the small box it was definitely for me, just call it hound intuition…

Dachshund Bowl

And of course, I was right! It was a fancy new bowl for me with a sausage dog on , Mum knows I like to eat my dinner in style.

Sausage Dog Food Bowl

Perfect for a dachshund! Dachshund Food Bowl

The colours go with any home interior, shabby-chic, modern, cottage (just call me Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen) and it’s the perfect size for any pooch, big or small!Sausage Dog Bowl

Dunnes Sausage Dog Bowl

You can get your own sausage dog bowl from Dunnes Store and if you’re feeling really flash and generous, you can treat your posh pooch to this sausage dog print bed HERE

Sausage Dog Bed


Dach’s all for now!

Jeffrey x

  • Martha Cherbini
    February 12, 2014

    I’ve been to the store site, and can’t find it. Searched kitchen accessories, pet dish, dachshund, dog bowl, and can’t get it to come up. Love it!

  • sausagetails
    February 12, 2014

    Oh no! That’s a shame! I expect all the fellow sausage people have bought them all up!!

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