Look What I’ve Sniffed Out…

The weather is cold, Christmas is coming so I’ve found something for all you ladies out there to snuggle up in. sausage dog pyjama’s!

Sausage Dog PJ's

Dachshund Pyjama's

Tesco Dachshund Pyjama's

Tesco Sausage Dog PJ's

These lovely pj’s from Florence & Fred at Tesco feature a cute girly sausage dog on the top, long sleeved for those chilly evenings I might add…

Sausage Dog PJ's

And the girly sausage is printed ALL OVER the long bottoms as well! Perfect for any sausage dog owner that likes to keep warm…

Sausage Dog Pyjama's

Look at the little sausage dog’s being all cute in their Christmas jumpers! And the ribbon that they come all bundled up in (perfect gift ready made…) is great for adding that little something to any outfit for Christmas…

Dog Pyjama's

The colour suits all…

Dog Head Bow

And boys, if you can get your paws on your Mum’s set, the bottoms make an excellent scarf, us sausages have to keep warm too you know.

Dachshund Pyjama's

If you too would like to treat yourself or maybe someone else to these lovely pyjama’s, you can get them HERE for the bargain price of £9!

Dach’s all for now!

Jeffrey x


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