Look What I’ve Sniffed Out…

Another of Mum’s Christmas gifts and she keeps saying it couldn’t be more suited to our house (I have no idea what she means!)

Determined Dachshund

I wasn’t sure what it was for though, so I tried out a few possibilities.

Maybe a beach towel…

Dachshund Tea Towel

A bedtime blanket…

Sausage Dog Tea Towel

Or maybe a cape for those superhero dachshunds amongst us? Much more like it!

Bottle Green Homes Tea Towel

But Mum said all my suggestions were wrong, even the superhero cape! (but it’s got me on it?!) Apparently it’s a tea towel so Mum said I had to earn my keep and do the drying up – the cheek of it! Does she not realise that the fur on my paws goes curly when it gets wet?

Dachshund Tea Towel

This tea towel is in fact from Bottle Green homes who base a lot of their dachshund products on their very own wire haired dachshund – Jackson De Beauvoir. You can get yourself one of these tea towels from HERE for the bargain price of £9.95

They also do THIS  version for all you smooth haired lovers out there, we wouldn’t want you to feel left out now would we?

This is a must have for all wire haired dachshund owners, even if their sausage  just wants to use it as superhero cape (if they’re allowed…)

Dach’s all for now – back to the drying up for me!! (1 glass down, only 5 to go..and 4 mugs…and some plates…)

Jeffrey x

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