Hairy Hound

I’ve had a hair cut, it was my first hair cut and I’m not sure I enjoyed it all that much.

Mum decided that I was beginning to look a bit ‘scruffy’ (I would say distinguished) and was sick of people asking whether I was a Dandy Dinmont (Dandy Dishcloth more like!!). So it was down to Nanny to be entrusted with my beautiful locks and to give me a tidy-up, Mum had already had a go at hand-stripping my back as I was sporting a bit of mohawk and hopefully that will make me all nice and wirey.

Disclosure: Nanny has had years of experience in doggy haircutting so please don’t panic, if all else fails I will look like Schnauzer.

Scissors were close to my precious hound-nose…


My mop-a-top was trimmed…

Wow, so much hair off such a small dude, I couldn’t believe how much Nanny had taken off!!


But I do believe it was all worth it in the end, I am looking suave, smart and sophisticated – even if I do say so myself!


Dach’s all for now!

Jeffrey x

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