Autumnal Walk

Well it’s that time of year again (I wouldn’t know, I was only born in July but thats what Mum said!!), the wind is a bit chillier and the ground a bit damper under my tootsies. We went for a stroll in the local park and there were these big crispy , brown things that kept moving around so I thought they were perfect to chase, Mum said that they were the leaves falling from the big things…

So Mum and I had a stroll and jog around the park in the leaves and then she thought it would be the prime opportunity to show you all how cute I look!


The leaves kept falling and distracting me! (plus Mum had a biscuit!)

This was one of my first walks and I have to say, it was lots of fun!

Dach’s all for now!

Jeffrey x

  • debra1830
    October 3, 2012

    Yes a perfect opportunity to display your utter cuteness!

  • sausagetails
    October 3, 2012

    Thanks Debra! I do love it when people say I’m cute! (well, it is the truth of course!)

  • chezlah
    October 5, 2012

    aww, so sweet

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