A Wiener Trim (literally)

Apparently I was starting to look ‘scruffy’. So it meant that a hair trim was in order and Mum says I have to look good for my ‘public’. A dachshund’s gotta do what a dachshund’s gotta do.

So I got my photographer Dad to take some photos so you can see what a sausage has to got through to look as good as me.

Starting with the mop-a-top. I gave Nanny strict instructions that this couldn’t be trimmed too short as it’s my signature look, a bit like Elvis.

Dachshund Hair Trim

Ears needed to be trimmed, this ensures that they don’t get soggy when I’m having a tipple.

Trim Dachsund Ears

Paws got a trim, as my paws are so huge (ready for digging holes) Mum gets a little peeved when I bring in lots of wet and dirt from the garden. It’s easier to keep the diggers trim than listen to her moan about hoovering AGAIN.

Dachshund Paw

Dachshund Paw

It was then down to some serious and rather intimate trimming, the clippers came out.

Dachshund Haircut

Butt-end, for…well…you know…

Sausage Dog Haircut

Wiener area, it’s not comfortable having this done however it is a necessity. I’m not ashamed of my man-hood, check out my Grandad having a laugh at my expense in the background, little does he know, my ratio to body size is probably more impressive…

Trim Dachshund Hair

And after all that this is the end result, pretty smart if I do say so myself!

Mini Wirehaired Dachshund

Dach’s all for now – off to have a beer and a work out, need to get back to my masculine side…

Jeffrey x

1 Comment
  • Jana Drilling
    August 5, 2013

    Lookin good Jeffrey, lookin good.

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