A Very Tough Decision…

Hi, this is Freddie’s Mum and I have taken over the blog this evening to give you all some very important news. You may have noticed Freddie has been a bit quiet on the blog front lately? This is due to some very important decisions we have had to make about Freddie’s future.

Some of you may know about Freddie’s background, we got her from a very nice breeder at the beginning if the year but  Freddie was over 2 years old and had her first litter last year but had to have an emergency caesarean as one of the puppies had got to stuck, so the breeder would not use her again for the safety of Freddie’s health. She is a lovely dog, so affectionate and loving to my partner and my family but it was clear that she had not been socialised. The breeder lives in a lovely big house with quite a few acres of land so the dogs were walked around the land and therefore did not meet any new people and dogs. She wasn’t expecting to re-home Freddie so I assume as she fitted in with her dogs etc this was fine.

As soon as we got her she settled in quite quickly and we tried to socialise her as much as possible. From quite fields to busy parks etc. She had a couple of incidents that we put down to her ‘settling in’ but this progressed to her biting two family friends quite badly, though she did not break the skin. Of course this was very upsetting and distressing for us as well as Freddie but we continued with the training. She is very unpredictable, lunging very quickly at peoples ankles/lower legs – people can come in and sit down, give her treats etc and she can be fine. Then after 30-60minutes they can get up and she will just go for them.

I have spoken to every dachshund owner I know including a breeder that is local to me and who is well known in the dachshund circle to gain some more insight and advice to see if anyone else has ever come across this problem. We have had behaviourist in who pretty much told me what I was doing was correct and to keep it up but it has still not worked. I had learnt everything from all the hours of research I had done, from people I knew and books etc so was already pretty clued up on what I had to.

We got to the point where I contacted Freddie’s breeder for some advice. She has suggested that she takes Freddie back and lets her live with her as a pet as the lifestyle her and her dogs lead, Freddie’s behaviour will not be a problem. After a lot of deliberation and tears we decided that this will be the best route to take.

This is the hardest decision I have ever had to make, I love her dearly but have to do what is right by her and she if she feels that unhappy that she has to attack people in the home then this is not good. We do not want a life for her where she is muzzled or shut in a room by herself every time we have people over. My partner and I will be looking to start a family in the next few years which will mean even more people coming to the house and I just can’t do that to her.

It is completely heartbreaking for me, I can’t even type this without crying as it is still so raw and painful for me. I have to make the decision with my head and not my heart and I know this is what is best for her. The breeder has a lovely house and grounds and I know Freddie will be very happy with all her old sausage friends and family as she loves all other dachshunds!

This is not a decision we have made lightly, I will miss her deeply but knowing her, she will adapt a lot quicker than me! I just wanted to let everyone know and I know that there will be a few people out there that do not agree with our decision but we are doing what we feel is right for our dog. Everyone lives their lives differently and I totally respect this but it seems our home and environment for Freddie just wasn’t suitable.

Please don’t despair, Sausage Tails will continue so please don’t delete us! A massive thank you to all of you who have supported us, we still love dachshunds more than ever and we will get updates from Freddie in her new/old home so will keep you posted…

Soon there may also be a new arrival to continue Freddie’s legacy…

  • Debra
    September 4, 2012

    Love just isn’t always easy and the best decisions are usually the hardest to make. I have had many pets, all of whom I have loved and learned from. My decisions have not always been the best when considered from hindsight but I learned from all of them and I can only pray and ask for direction and help. You are very lucky to have such a wonderful option for her and it is apparent that you have done your best.

  • Deb Reed
    September 4, 2012

    I am so very sad for your family. I hope another fur kid can join you soon. That was very hard for you to write and I admire your strengh. Sounds like Freddie will have a safe place to go, that should be a small comfort.

  • Katie, mama to Betty
    September 4, 2012


  • Tanya
    September 5, 2012

    It really is sad that the original breeder didn’t socialize her. 🙁 There is a window of opportunity that closes with dachshunds. Ours was almost too old to adopt for socializing at 12 weeks but the research said 14 weeks so we did all the socializing we could.

    She was and is pretty good but I would never leave her alone with a young child. She jumps and licks and who knows if she knocked a child over or worse. You may feel a little guilty but don’t. If you are planning a family wait until you have a slightly older toddler before getting a dachsy. Unfortunately there is a reason they say no small children in the house. It’s not only that their backs can be easily hurt by a falling child but then they tend to bite faces when it happens.

  • Terresa Cook
    September 5, 2012

    I have six sausage dogs and they are all different, even though I had them all as puppies and raised them the same. My two girls love everyone who comes into the house, kissing, licking, asking for attention. One of my males protects me closely, so go so far as to sit where he’s touching me and bark at anyone who approaches me (He was born here at home.) BUT he’s the best with my 18 mos. old grandson, patience in helping him learn how to deal with a dog in your face. Another male I would never leave alone in a room with a stranger without me there. He is fiercely protective and would snap at anyone, even those he knows, to protect me.
    I do believe that early socialization is a key factor – introducing them to a variety of situations. I took all of them out as puppies to yard sales (boot sales?) to introduce them to smells and people. I really think that there was an inherent factor that worked with the outside forces – much like people.
    I do hope you find comfort in our responses. I’m sorry that Freddie won’t be with us full time but we’ll stay subscribed for future updates!

  • chezlah
    September 5, 2012

    that is so sad for you and your family. Poor little Freddie too to have to have more change but I’m sure your heartbreakingly difficult decision is the right one for all of you.

    I can’t imagine how difficult it has been. You poor thing.


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