Look What I’ve Sniffed Out…

We’ve found some sausage dog print pants for you ladies and of course, we had to model them!

Sausage Dog Pants

Some may say that they are a bit feminine but they are blue after all and I’m perfectly comfortable with my sexuality. Sometimes.

Sausage Dog Pants

Even Alan wanted a piece of the modelling action, he believes that if I’m the David Beckham of the dachshund underwear modelling world then that would make him David Gandy, I suppose a pup can dream…

Dachshund Pants

Dachshund Pants

Apparently these new pants are an ‘improved fit’, I think this also applied to a certain sausage dog who recently had certain ‘bits’ removed…

Primark Pants

I’m an old hack at modelling boxers, pants and such like so this was an easy shoot for me, you may remember the centrefold contest I entered HERE, so I gave Alan a few tips on how to look sultry and sexy, I think he got it, kind of.

Primark Pants

Sausage Dog Print Pants

Sausage Dog Underwear

Dachshund Underwear

But all this modelling lark and looking handsome for the ladies is tiring work…

Sausage Dog Print Pants

You too can treat yourself to a pair of these bargain pants from Primark for £1.50

Sausage Dog Print Pants


Dach’s all for now – look out for me in the ‘Calvin Klein for dogs’ advert…

Jeffrey x

1 Comment
  • hilaryhubbert
    May 19, 2015

    Well I never .. you two boys look good in anything

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