Fridays Furry Friend

Happy Friday everyone! Well what a week it’s been! Mum & Dad are now home from their holiday and I have to say, I am missing being at Nanny & Grandad’s 24-7 but I think that’s down to Rodney, aka The Beast, warming the bed up for me! Little luxuries…

Mum & Dad had a lovely time away but I think Mum missed me quite a bit and she keeps cuddling me and kissing my ears, strange woman! I’m not complaining though, who doesn’t like a belly rub? Alan & I have got back into our routine of morning walks, chasing squirrels and snoozing the day away and of course, keeping our cats in-check after not seeing them for nearly 2 weeks!

Dachshund Holiday

This weeks Furry Friend is a very cute Border Terrier pup called Timm who has been nominated by his brother Finn (I’m a poet & I didn’t know it!) Finn has appeared himself as my Fridays Furry Friend so I felt it only fair that his new little brother got a go!

It sounds like Finn needs some tips & advice on how to be the perfect big brother, after 2 years of raising Alan, I think I can help! There are 2 things I swear by:

  1. Share the toys – Mum will feel so bad that if the new pup rips a hole or the badger toy is now missing 2 legs, she’ll feel so guilty she’ll buy you a new one. Your new brother will now be SO obsessed with the toy that is now sporting a gaping hole, no face and 1 leg, he won’t notice your brand new toy – everyones’ a winner!
  2. Teach him to chase the cats – this means cat patrol will still be in place but you can have a snooze whilst the new recruit keeps watch

I hope that helps!

Hi Jeffrey,
I was wondering if I could nominate the new addition to Finn Towers as a Friday Furry Friend?
I lost my big Border Terrier brother, Dill, last August and the house has just not been the same without him. I’ve been quite lonely as I’d never been an ‘only’ dog.
Well, a few weeks ago Timm arrived and now I’m a Big Brother and it’s quite a role. I could do with some tips Jeffrey.
I’m rushed off my paws trying to keep up with him and keep him away from my toys. Mum says I’m having a dose of my own medicine as I apparently used to take Dill’s toys. That seems to have slipped my memory! I’m also losing weight from all the running about so I’m now svelte not stout!!!
He’s quite a character and it’s lovely having company again.
Finn and Timm


Finn & Timm

Timm & Finn

Timm & Finn

Timm Border Terrier


Dach’s all for now – have a fun weekend!

Jeffrey x


Don’t forget, if you too would like to be my Fridays Furry Friend, email a photo and a bit about yourself to

1 Comment
  • Finn
    July 15, 2016

    Thank you so much for making my little brother your FFF. We’re so chuffed.
    Hope you both have a lovely weekend. Take care.
    Finn (and Timm)

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